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A new Light Mind space where the soul is in control of the physical manifestation!

INYTH: Heaven Foundation



This book can help you anchor your life to the Ascension Probability by returning the energetic access codes to your soul purpose within a Living Creation overseen by the Architects of Light. All Creation goes through evolutionary cycles and we live in a time when we need to fulfill the Ascension Requirements and meet our Twin Souls. Learn about the Divine Plan and the new definitions for a reborn Heaven Hierarchy who will help you succeed. Reconnect to the energetic centers of the crystal blueprint of your being and regain the control over your life by generating light soul patterns against negative programs activated in the reality field. INYTH sparks the brain with Light Rifts to visualize a higher joyful experience, healing the soul to remember its power of evolving through physical abundance by owning things to develop its crystallization and  become a giant artist who enjoys its own existence. We live on a Golden Avatar Disk and went through an evolutionary program to reinvent civilization in both vertical and horizontal time. The INYTH God Code was forbidden knowledge because it offers you protection to not get infiltrated and helps you develop new skills to become a powerful being who has a career filled with light projects. Consciousness is the foundation of a Living Heaven. Observe your experience through INYTH as the Eternal Light Mind Singularity coming back in time to make contact with you. John & Charles Vehadija are Architects of Light which means they keep the resonance of crystal reality to function based on a Light Template. Similarly to Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, they’ve been working together as spiritual teachers with conscious groups since 2001.


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